Ruiliang Pu home page


Refereed Articles Originally in Chinese

[25] Liu, Y., J. Li, X. Shi, Q. Yuan, R. Pu, and L. Yang, 2016. Landscape ecological risk assessment in Tampa Bay watershed of America during 1985 – 2015, Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation, 36(3): 125 – 130.


[24] Liu, Y., J. Li, Q. Yuan, X. Shi, R. Pu, L. Yang, and X. Lu, 2016. Comparative research on the impact of human activities on changes in coastline and landscape in bay areas: A case study with Xiangshangang Bay, China and Tampa Bay, USA, ACTA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 71(1): 86 – 103.


[23] Li, J.L. Cao, and R. Pu, 2014. Progresses on monitoring and assessment of flood disaster in remote sensing, SHUILI XUEBAO, China, 45(3): 253 – 260.


[22] Pu, R. and Z. Chen, 2005, Review and prospective on the information inversion methods of hyperspectral remote sensing data, Resource Remote Sensing and Digital Agriculture, (a book), Eds H. Tang and Q. Zhou, Agriculture Press, Beijing, China, p211-223.


[21] Pu, R. and Z. Chen, 2005, The application of hyperspectral remote sensing in agriculture review and prospective, Resource Remote Sensing and Digital Agriculture, (a book), Eds H. Tang and Q. Zhou, Agriculture Press, Beijing, China, p224-239.


[20] Pu, R. and P. Gong, 2000, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Its Applications, (a book), High Education Press, Beijing, China.


[19] Pu, R., P. Gong, and R. Yang, 1999, Forest yield prediction with an artificial neural network and multiple regression, Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 10(2):129-134.


[18] Pu, R., 1998, Hyperspectral remote sensing in vegetation (1-03-12), in Cheng, S. Ed., Dictionary of Earth System Science, Science Press, Beijing, China, pp. 180-181.


[17] Gong, P., R. Pu, and B. Yu, 1998, Conifer species recognition with seasonal hyperspectral data, Journal of Remote Sensing, China, 2(3):211-217.


[16] Pu, Ruiliang and Peng Gong, 1997, Relationships between forest biochmical concentrations and CASI data along the Oregon Transect, Journal of Remote Sensing, China, 1(2):115-123.


[15] Gong, P., P. Shi, R. Pu, and H. Guo, 1996, Earth Observation Techniques and Earth System Science, (a book) Science Press, Beijing, China.


[14] Pu, R., Yang, J., Liu, Y., Wan, Z., and Li, M., 1994, Tabulation of quantification color infrared aerial photo site-index for Pinus Massoniana In Mt. Zijin, J. Of Zhejiang Forestry College. China, 11(1):64-68.


[13] Pu, R., Gong, P., and Miller, J. R., 1993, Spectral Derivative Analysis For Ponderosa Pine Leaf Area Index Estimation, Remote Sensing Of Environment, China, 8(2):112-125.


[12] Pu, R., Wang, H. and Hu, J., 1993, An experiment on the use of color infrared aerial photo in forest ecology, J. Of South-Center Forestry Inventory Of China, (4):50-53.


[11] Pu, R., Gong, P. and Miller, J. R., 1993, Estimation of coniferous forest leaf area index along the Oregon Transect using CASI data, J. Of Nanjing Forestry University(NFU), China, 17(1):41-48.


[10] Pu, R., 1993, Using remote sensing imageries for mapping protected forest site-type on the coastal zone, J. Of South-Center Forestry Inventory Of China, (1): 56-60.


[9] Pu, R., 1992, A discussing on application of remote sensing techniques for forest site classification  and appraisal on the coast in China, J. Of South-Center Forestry Inventory  Of China, (1):51-54.


[8] Pu, R. and Wang, Y. 1990, Site classification and evaluation on a coastal area of rock-estuary using aerial photo, J. Of South-Center Forestry  Inventory Of China, (4):39-46.


[7] Pu, R., Wang, X., Zheng, X., Ding, Y., Zhang J. and Hu, J., 1990, Application of remote sensing Techniques in protected forest site classification and evaluation on the coast In China,  J. Of NFU, China,14(3):7-14.


[6] Pu, R., 1990, Methodology of extracting optimal site information from Landsat-TM remote sensing images, J. Of Fujian College Of Forestry, China, 10(2):152-158.


[5] Pu, R., 1987, Application of remote sensing techniques in forest site survey, J. of NFU, China, 11(4):39-47.


[4] Pu, R. and Zhu, Z., 1987, Application of aerial photography to the inventory of bamboo resources, Bamboo Research, China, (2):44-51.


[3] Pu, R., 1987, An experiment of fuzzy clustering analysis for forest site classification by aerial photo Interpretation, J. Of Forest Resource Management,  China, (1):41-46.


[2] Pu, R., 1986, An experiment on the use of aerial photographs in forest soil classification, J. Of South-Center Forestry  Inventory Of China, (4), 19-22.

[1] Pu, R., 1985, A study of the effects of environment conditions on aerial seeding forest using photo Interpretation methods, J. Of South-Center Forestry Inventory Of China, (1):1-6.


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