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In 1998, Landsat TM data acquired in August of 1985 and DEM data were employed to analyze land-cover types in each irrigated tract, Upper Kalmath Basin, Oregon, Oregon, USA.  The training areas of nine land cover types were drawn on TM composite images by the aid of aerial photos interpretation and ground truth.  Then, the subscenes of TM images with PCI image processing software package were classified into nine land cover types.  Finally, the classified results derived from TM images were converted to GIS-based format so that they can be further analyzed with GIS analysis software. With ARC/INFO and ARCVIEW, data transformation, registration, overlay, and statistical analysis were conducted in different analysis stages.  According to the experts' knowledge and ground truth, all nine initial types were merged into five types (alfalfa, pasture, emergent vegetation, wet meadow, and dry meadow), which were presented on a final map.  The classified results were used in decision-making in agricultural planning.


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